The Chorus has moved to a new rehearsal venue, St Andrew’s Church on Psalter Lane. The new venue is proving popular with members and rehearsal will continue at this new location for the rest of the season.
“We had been looking for a suitable venue for some time” said Chorus Chair Jo Briddock, “We are thrilled with St Andrew’s, it has a great acoustic, a wonderful piano and the staff couldn’t be more helpful and welcoming. Members are really enjoying it”
The choir is busy rehearsing woks to perform at the final concert of the Classical Sheffield Weekend Festival on 23 March 2025 in St Marie’s cathedral, Norfolk Row, at 8pm. The concert will feature Fauré’s beautiful Requiem, Finzi’s Lo, the full final sacrifice, and a number of world premieres – three new works by composer Stephen Johnson and the winning work from the Stella Jockel Young Composers Competition, which the Chorus is running again following its successful launch in 2022.
Tickets are £16, available online or on the door.
For details of the composer competition see