

At the AGM in November 2023, members agreed to increase the subscription fee to £156 (£39 concessionary rate). The fee should be paid from November onwards, preferably before the end of the year. For people who join later in the year, the rates are £104 (£26) for two terms and £52 (£13) for one term.

Everyone, no matter how they pay, needs to complete the Subscription Form, which must be completed online, at The form captures your entries onto a spreadsheet which makes the record-keeping and accounting much easier for the Finance Officer. You should find it easy to complete, but if you do struggle please see our new Finance Officer Jane Parkin at rehearsal and she will show you how to do it. Please pay by bank transfer if at all possible; the bank details etc are at the bottom of the form.

Members should complete the form using their full names as recognised by HMRC, otherwise Gift Aid collection will be problematic. It really helps if you can enable Gift Aid, in which case please remember to complete the Gift Aid section on the form – though no problem if you prefer not to or can’t.

Monthly Standing Order payments are available to those paying for 2 or 3 terms of the season.  If you are paying for one term, please make a single internet bank transfer instead. Subs should be paid in full by the end of the season, so please ensure that your monthly standing order payments complete the amount and stop in July, then restart the following November when the new subscription rate is fixed. 

If anyone has difficulty paying for any reason, then please contact Jane; her phone number and email address are at the bottom of the subscription form; her email is at the bottom of every weekly update and at Chorus Contacts 

Membership cards will be given to members who have completed forms and paid or arranged Standing Order payments. Your old card will still work for signing-in purposes.