We always welcome new members, so if you share our passion and want to enjoy singing in a choir of very high calibre accompanied by some of Britain’s leading orchestras under the baton of internationally acclaimed conductors, find out more about how you can join us now! Check our Current Season to see what amazing music you could be singing with us!
We have a passion for singing and aim to maintain a very high level of musical excellence and to be inclusive. To this end, the chorus is always pleased to welcome new members in all voice parts, and we run workshops for new members or anyone who’d like to attend. We know how difficult it can be for parents who both want to join, so offer shared membership; details below.
We sing a range of choral works suitable for a high-quality chorus of over 160 singers, by composers from across the centuries. For example in recent years we have sung Tippett’s Child of Our Time, Walton’s Belshazzar’s Feast, Britten’s War Requiem, Schoenberg’s Friede auf Erden, Mahler’s Symphony No 2 (Resurrection), Bach’s Mass in B minor, Handel’s Messiah and Requiems by Brahms, Mozart and Verdi. We have sung Mahler’s Symphony No 2 (Resurrection) in Sheffield, Middlesborough, Edinburgh, and most recently in Monte Carlo with the CBSO. We sing carols every Christmas, of course, and shorter works in more intimate settings, such as St Mark’s Church, Broomhill, the City Hall ballroom or Victoria Hall Sheffield.
What to expect
The Chorus aims for continuous improvement and very high standards at all times. Members who are unable to sight-sing are expected to learn works at home, as rehearsals are spent on singing technique, interpretation and dynamics rather than ‘note bashing’. Many of the works we perform are much loved and performed a lot, so they tend to be well known, which is a big help. Even so, members often use rehearsal tracks to practise at home and really get to know the notes, in order to support the Chorus aim of maintaining excellence and to get the most out of rehearsals. Other works are performed less frequently and may be very challenging to learn and to sing (and for orchestras to play). The Chorus performance of Schoenberg’s Friede auf Erden in the City Hall ballroom is a good example – Chorus members listened to recordings to help them get to grips with this beautiful but extremely challenging piece! Listening to recordings and practising with rehearsal tracks can help members to get to grips with difficult pieces, so that the majority of rehearsals can be devoted to technique and interpretation.
You need to be familiar with music well enough to follow your voice part and to recognise the length of notes and the rhythm. You also need to be familiar with basic instructions and dynamics, e.g., cres, mf, etc., although less familiar terms are explained. Experience in choral singing and an ability to sight-sing will be a big help though sight singing is not tested in auditions. Your skills in this area will improve over time with regular singing, and listening to the voices around you will help you tremendously. Do not worry if you feel that you are weak in this area – as long as you can learn the works at home you will be fine; discuss it at your audition and you will be advised accordingly. We provide links to websites that publish rehearsal tracks, and hold workshops to help people improve their technique.
A high level of commitment is required because of the very high standard we aim to achieve. We expect members to commit to each of our planned concerts, and to attend every rehearsal. Of course anyone can fall ill or experience pressing family or work issues etc, but we tend not to allow members to sing in concerts if their attendance has fallen to unacceptable levels eg below 75%. Members must also attend the Conductor’s piano rehearsal and the orchestral rehearsal on the day of the concert. You will need to attend from 7pm to 9pm each Tuesday, and sometimes stay until 9.15pm.
Our concert dress is designed to give freedom of choice and design, but also a degree of uniformity and appropriateness to the overall appearance of the chorus and to the venues at which we sing. Men wear black shirts (not shiny and with black buttons), black trousers, black socks, and black shoes, and a black jacket or DJ for formal concerts eg City Hall, or if cold. Women wear a black full length dress or long skirt or trousers, formal rather than fashion or niche, long-sleeved (below elbow) black top or tunic with modest neckline, in a non-patterned fabric, not shiny or open-weave. Black or neutral socks or tights, smart black shoes or sandals (black socks or tights for sandals). They also wear mandatory sashes over the outer shoulder, purchased following audition. Black clutch style or small evening handbag, small jewellery only.
Please note the importance of NOT wearing perfume or aftershave for either rehearsals or concerts, as they can cause some members to have allergic reactions, and can interfere with efficient breathing.
How to join
If you’d like to try us out, contact Sally Turnbull for more details on 0143 363 0970 or 07771 578233, or email . You are very welcome to come along to a few of our rehearsals. Find out more about rehearsals here.
Sing with us for a few weeks and if you decide you’d like to join, you’ll be invited for a brief audition. Choral or other musical experience and/or expertise, commitment and enthusiasm are more important to us than high levels of sight-singing ability. Indeed, sight singing doesn’t feature in the audition, so don’t let that put you off! Both parents must pass an audition, though each can be organised separately if required. Read more about auditions here.
How much?
Once you’re a member you will need to pay a fee, which is similar to that charged by most of the choirs in our region. The fee is £168 for the 2024-25 season. Parents whose child care commitments would make it difficult for both parents to attend each week, can apply for shared membership, paying just one fee. All we ask is for each parent to commit to particular concerts and for only one of them to attend the relevant rehearsals. Parents can decide for themselves how to share the responsibility concert by concert, as long as they don’t swap and change; attendance requirements are the same as for any member. The Chorus also provides concessions for singers who would struggle to pay the full fee.
When and how often?
We rehearse on Tuesday evenings from 7 to 9pm, from September through to June or July. Though flexible, we expect members to commit to every concert and to attend every rehearsal wherever possible, in order to be properly prepared and to do their bit towards maintaining high standards. Find out more on the rehearsals page.

We rehearse at St Andrew’s church, Psalter Lane, Sheffield, S11 8YL. There is virtually no car parking on site; however there is plenty of street parking (see map alongside). Those with mobility issues can apply for a space in the small car park by arrangement. For access by public transport see https://www.travelsouthyorkshire.com/.
Why should I join?
Of course you will share our passion for singing great choral music exceptionally well, and we know that singing makes us feel great! But now research shows how singing, like other creative activities, can actually improve your health and wellbeing. Science is also discovering how singing can treat illnesses from asthma to Parkinson’s, including helping to prevent colds and flu. Singing also improves your posture, can help you sleep better, increases your mental alertness and can provide a jolly good work-out!. And of course, it’s a great way to improve your music appreciation, technique and knowledge – and make new friends.