Do you find that the classical concerts on offer don’t whet your appetite? Why not remedy that by creating your own Fantasy Concert? Fantasy football league is played up and down the land and has become part of popular culture, so why don’t we music lovers start our own musical revolution?
Do you have a ‘big’ birthday you’d like to celebrate? Would you like to mark your retirement, create a surprise for a loved one or simply celebrate some glorious music that should be better known? Why not commission Sheffield Philharmonic Chorus to help you create your own Fantasy Concert, large or small. We have extensive experience of organising and promoting concerts and can help you realise your dream, no matter how large or small.
Contact us at for an informal, no-obligation, initial discussion.
In 2016 Julie Smethurst lived her dream of creating a large-scale choral concert at the City Hall on 4 June, to celebrate her 60th birthday and the 80th anniversary of the Chorus. “I’d always dreamed of being able to sponsor a classical concert to the extent of being able to say what I wanted on the programme. Vaughan Williams became my favourite English composer in my teens, so the whole concert is made up of his music, including the mesmerising The Lark Ascending. The choices have been chewed over quite a bit but all the pieces I wanted have made it to the final line-up – with no compromises.”
Read more about Julie’s fantasy concert here.
Julie was prompted into making her dream a reality when fellow singer, Steve Terry, Bass with the Chorus, donned his ‘executive producer’ hat in December 2013. Read about his fantasy concert here.
So what would your concert be? For Jo Briddock, 2nd Alto with the Chorus, it would have to include Brahms’ Requiem. Read why this is a must for Jo, here.
What’s your fantasy concert? If you have an occasion that you’d love to celebrate by supporting us to bring your fantasy concert to life, contact us now at